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Mrs. Marisa Denicola » Summer Math Activities

Summer Math Activities

Don't let the summer sun burn up your math skills.  Stay fresh with math activities every day!

Summer Math Challenge

Directions: Complete a task and then color in the box.  

How many boxes can you fill?

Count to 100 while doing jumping jacks

Skip count to 50 by two’s with sidewalk chalk

Count the change in a piggy bank

Find 7 groups of 7 different types of rocks

Count the number of words in your favorite song

Create your own cereal box with a nutritional label 

Record your bedtime and wake up time then find the number of minutes you slept.

See how many ten bonds you can spot on a walk around your neighborhood (ex. 73, 91 etc.)

Memorize the perfect squares between 1 and 225

Count by 10s up to 200 while jumping on one leg

Calculate the number of days you have been alive on July 4

Count backwards from 100 

Skip count by 3s up to 33 and back down to 3

Play Yahtzee

Count how many pictures are on the walls of your house

Measure the length of your front door in inches, and then measure it in centimeters and compare

Count how many trees are in your backyard then multiply it by 10

Divide snack crackers into equal groups

Hula hoop 25 times, then 50 times, then 100 times

Complete 10 minutes of IXL for 10 days in a row

Complete 10 minutes of Study Island for 10 days in a row (grades 3-8)

Roll 2 dice and add the numbers 15 times

Roll 2 dice and multiply the numbers 15 times

Make a bar graph of the outdoor activities you do in the month of July

Skip count to 100 by fives, five times with sidewalk chalk

Find a license plate that has a math fact (ex. 235 is 2+3=5)

Use Sidewalk chalk to decorate your driveway with different types of quadrilaterals

Add the digits of your phone number

Write out the number words from one to twenty

Cut 1-inch paper squares and glue them into an array

3 x 7, 4 x 6, 8 x 5, etc.

Shape Walk - take a walk around your neighborhood and find geometric shapes

Collect 100 pennies and place them in stacks of 10 pennies each.

Cut several small triangles out of paper and glue them on a sheet to make one big triangle

Look at the clock at anytime then tell a family member how many minutes to the next hour

Use water to find how many cups are in a pint and how many pints are in a quart and how many quarts are in a gallon. (use empty milk cartons)

Make collections of 100 things.  Then challenge yourself to divide the groups of objects into smaller groups like 10s, 5s or 2s to add up to 100.

Play “Guess my Number” with a friend and give hints such as odd/even, multiples, less/greater than, etc.

Water Balloon Math - write addition and subtraction facts on water balloons. Solve the problems and then POP them.

Create a Store - Use items in your house and place a realistic value on them.  Pretend you are visiting  the store and buying the items.  How much money do you need?  How much change will you get?

Crazy 8s: do 8 sets of 8 exercises counting up to 64 as you go.  Jumping jacks, pushups, mountain climbers, cart-wheels, sit-ups, knee lifts, vertical jumps, forward bend

Find a can of food in the pantry and trace a circle around the bottom on paper.  Then measure the diameter and height.  Compare it to a different can.  

Cook up some Math in the Kitchen - Measure all the ingredients.  Challenge yourself to double the recipe or cut the recipe in half.

Write down 7 things you notice about a $1 bill.  Anything at all, what do you notice?

Visit and see if you can guess the number

Measure the your length from fingertip to fingertip while stretching your arms out to the side

Measure the length of each person’s foot in your family.  If 12 inches is a foot, does anyone have a foot-long foot?

Help bake a special treat in the kitchen and write down all the fractions you used.  (with a grown up)

Cut a pizza into 8ths, then 16ths, then 32nds.  What do you notice about the slices?

Come up with your own math challenge and share with friends


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