Online Programs
Parent Online Programs Login Quick Reference Guide
Use this file as a guide for logging into MTPS Online Programs.
Dugan Elementary believes that all students should have access to varying text complexities tailored to their individual needs. Achieve3000 allows students to experience a challenge with complex, relevant, authentic, non-fiction text. Simultaneously, students develop their literacy and content skills while being assessed with differentiated articles based on a personalized Lexile level. Instantly, teachers have the ability to diagnose and close reading level gaps.
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Google Classroom
The following video for parents, "The 5 W's of Google Classroom," will provide you with more information regarding the platform.
Dugan Elementary believes in building a deep conceptual understanding of mathematics for all students. Mind Research's platform, STMath, allows students to fulfill this goal through rigorous puzzles and creative problem solving that, in the end, motivates and challenges students. By approaching mathematics from a visual learning aspect, students can be better equipped to tackle unfamiliar problems, recognize patterns, and build a deeper conceptual understanding. Additionally, STMath provides personalized pathways of interconnected challenges allowing for differentiated instruction for each individual student.
Being a web-based program, STMath will be utilized both in school and at home. Here are some links that will offer some more information about the program as well as ways that you can become involved in assisting your child.
Dugan Elementary believes in comprehensive, standards-based practice for all students. IXL allows students the opportunity to practice mathematics skills both in school and at home. Furthermore, the program allows open access to grade-level skills from Kindergarten through high school. After spending some time within the IXL Diagnostic Arena, the program actually recommends topics based on performance.
Here are some resources for IXL.