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Kerri Marcus » Guidelines for Keeping Sick Children Home from School

Guidelines for Keeping Sick Children Home from School

I have a fever of 100.0 F or greater--
Cannot return to school until fever-free without the use of medication for 24 hours (ex. Tylenol, Motrin, Advil).
I vomited, one or more times in the past 24 hours--
Cannot return to school until free from vomiting for 24 hours.
I have diarrhea--
Cannot return to school until free from diarrhea for 24 hours.
I have a rash, on my body with fever or itching--
Require a doctor's note permitting to return.
I have head lice/nits--
Must be treated with lice shampoo, and manually remove all nits. A child cannot return until zero nits. Child will be inspected in the nurse's office upon return to school and sent home if nits are found.
I have an eye infection (the white part of the eye is pink and drainage is coming from the eye)-- 
To return to school the child must have clear eyes that are not draining. If the child has bacterial conjunctivitis (pink eye), 24 hours of treatment must be completed accompanied by a doctor's note.
I have a sore throat possibly accompanied by fever--
The child must be fever free without the assistance of temperature reducing medication for 24 hours. 
I have been diagnosed with strep throat or scarlet fever (red, sore throat with patches on tonsils, swollen glands, fever and/or rash)--
Must be fever free without the assistance of fever reducing medication. Must complete treatment for at least 24 hours. Must be accompanied by a doctor's note.
I was in the hospital or went to the emergency room--
A copy of discharge instructions and/or a doctor's note permitting me to return to class that includes any special school restrictions. 
 I have an injury. 
If your child is wearing/using: cast, crutches, brace, ace bandage, splint, stitches, or any other medical device, please notify me prior to the child coming to school.  Your child must have a doctor's note to wear this.  Any injury that requires this will prohibit participation in gym and recess.  Please make sure you contact your doctor for a note stating when they can return to gym and recess. This is for the safety or your child and the other students around them.