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Kristina Kondakji » Literacy


Reading Logs- due weekly. 10 minutes reading time  recorded with the title of the book labeled and the date with parent signature. Students will respond once a week to their reading as well. 
Spelling/Vocab Packets and choice boards: Due after five days (given usually on a Monday and due that Friday). You can hand these in anytime before, but make sure you take your time and try your best! :) This is just for practice for out spelling quizzes! 
We will be working on many reading comprehension strategies throughout the year. Some of these strategies include: finding the main idea/supporting details, cause and effect, using context clues, and much more. Throughout the year, students will utilize the Making Meaning series, non-fiction texts, IXL, and our Achieve 3000 program.
Vocabulary words will come from texts that we read in our Making Meaning Series and other texts we are reading in class. Students will learn new words to incorporate into their writing and every day conversations.
Students will learn how to write personal narratives, fictional narratives, informational pieces, and opinion writing pieces.