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Frank J. Dugan Elementary School Home of the Dragons!

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Mrs. Ott's Class- Homepage

Welcome to Mrs. Ott's second grade! I am excited to be on this journey with you and your children this year! Here in this classroom, we will work collaboratively as a community, foster friendships and encourage creativity. We will create an environment where children can grow, academically, socially and emotionally.

This website is a positive link between school and home. I hope that you will find it a useful tool to assist you in keeping informed of classroom happenings. Some pages will change weekly while others may stay the same. Please check back regularly to stay up-to-date with classroom information.

Thanks again for visiting!!

If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me at [email protected] 
Mrs. Ott's Google Classroom Link: 
Please click on the PDF below for a refresher on how to use google classroom.