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Art Project Rubric

Art Rubric: Projects 1 2 3 4
Objectives Students project meets few of the the listed objectives of the project. Students project meets some of the the listed objectives of the project. Students project meets the listed objectives of the project. Students project exceeds the listed objectives of the project. The student uses original thoughts and creativity
Effort The student does not exert any effort The student tries their hardest rarely during the steps of the project. The student tries their hardest along some of the project. The student always tries their hardest along every step of the project. The student encourages other students
Use of Materials The student uses the material correctly rarely, even after many demonstrations The student uses the materials correctly sometimes The student uses the materials correctly most of the time The student always uses the materials correctly.
Craftsmanship Expectations are not met Expectations are sometimes met for their attention to detail The students meets expectations for their attention to detail The students exceeds expectation for their attention to detail.
**For each project the objectives are listed in the art room**