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Christine Keleman » Third Grade

Third Grade

Marlboro Township Schools G&T program offers two levels of study for our Second Grade enrichment students:

**Third Grade Reading Enrichment**

**Primary Enrichment Program (PEP)**  




Third Grade Primary Enrichment Program (PEP)


Kid Reading on a Tablet

Thematic units are instruction models where a theme and central ideas play a part in every lesson. Thematic instruction ties together the core content areas like language arts, math, social studies, and science while exploring a broad theme like oceans, communities, cultural, world travel, literature, etc... Thematic teaching is engaging for students and allows many opportunities for real-world connections, tier three vocabulary instruction, researching, analysis and evaluation of problems and circumstances, presentations, and collaborative work.


Get ready for these Thematic Units this year!

Little Boy Reading a Book

"Multicultural Fairytales”

Get your passports and let’s travel the world to hear and analyze Cinderella stories from around the world. It’s so exciting to learn about locations around the world, the people who live there, and the cultural values of those societies. You are going to be immersed in folktales and the oral tradition of storytelling!

Boy with Binoculars in a Sailboat


“Dive in and Discover”

Have you wondered where that message in a bottle came from? How did the tides and currents bring it ashore? Become an oceanographer and explore the world of ocean science! This unit was created to let the students discover and create new ideas through research, experiments, advocacy, and application of the scientific method.

Kids Sitting Criss Cross


Do you wonder about the world? Have you ever thought about why people do good deeds? Did you ever question why you believe certain things to be true? Well, you are in the right place! "Philosophy" means love of wisdom. This unit will inspire you to ask questions about all the things in your world that you are curious about! You will be eager to write and share your opinions while having open discussions that may influence your thinking!









Third Grade Reading Enrichment

On your mark, get set, READ!!



In this program, the students will read and discuss authentic texts so they 
may apply higher-order thinking skills through using strategies such as inferring, 
asking questions, making connections, determining importance in text, 
creating mental images, and synthesizing
information. Over time, the students will be responsible for 
sustaining meaningful discussions about what they have read and 
by applying the above comprehension strategies during analysis.
Testing for entrance into this program begins in the fall of each school year. 










The essence of teaching is to make learning contagious,

to have one idea spark another.

~Marva Collins~